info@clovercn.com Skype: clovernutrition Phone Number: 0086-29-81875649 Working Time: Mon-Fri: 9.00-17.00 Mail: sales@clovernutrition.com
Quality First, Rooted Trust
Genuine Identity, High Purity, Natural Potency

Tea comes from the plant Camellia sinensis, a warm-weather evergreen. Tea is grown around the world in thousands of estates or tea gardens, resulting in thousands of flavorful variations.Tea is the world's most popular prepared drink. It was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 B.C., when a tea leaf accidentally fell into the bowl of hot water he was drinking. In Tibet of China, people believe it can heal most illness.
Clover Nutrition Green Tea is grewing in the high mountain zone,
which had big difference of day & night temperature,
this makes flavor is very special.
A wide variety of quality teas are available to mix and match with savories and sweets for delicious flavor combinations.
Clover Nutrition offers Green Tea Leaf,
Dry Green Tea,
Small Bag Green Tea
Functional Green Tea and tea Powder.

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E-mail: info@clovercn.com