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ACN | Macleaya Cordata Eextract Sanguinarine & chelerythrine| A Clover Nutrition Inc| China
Macleaya Cordata Extract with specification of Alkaloids, SanguinarMacleaya cordata belongs to the family Papaveraceae, is a poisonous herb native to China and Japan. It is a perennial plant, with deep lobed leaves and dusty clouds oftiny blossom at the tips of erect stems, most often a white color.
Latin Name: Macleaya Cordata Extract
Part of Used: Fruit
Appearance: Orange Red Fine Powder
Application: Animal Feed, Pesticide
Specifications: Alkaloid 10%, 50%, 98% by UV
Sanguinarine 10%, 15%, 40% 90% by HPLC
Chelerythrine 10%, 20%, 50%, 90% by HPLC -
Brand: ACN
Origin: China
CAS: 112025-60-2
Formula: C20H14NO4
E-mail: sales@aclovernutrition.com