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Clover Nutrition shall have Vanessa He as Sales Director

Amanda Wang

Today, Clover Nutrition is proud to announce that we have Vanessa He as sales director.

Vanessa He, who is a bachelor of english major, she worked in foreign trade from 2008. She can support you with professional business skill and kind heart, she puts customer on the first position and cares what is your needed.

She will officially work in October 2015. We are proud to be introducing Vanessa He to all of Clover's partner. Thanks for all of your supporting.

Clover Nutrition is forcus on herbal extract, Tea Products,Juice Powder, Functional Foods which can be used for food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries.

A Clover Lead to Natural Life.

Administration Department

Amanda Wang

A Clover Nutrition Inc

Oct. 8, 2015

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